Friday Jun 05, 2020
Mystery Men
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
As we languish in the ellipses between Phases 3 and 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Batman goes on hold, Superman hangs in the balance, Wonder Woman waits for her delayed sequel release, and the X-Men are quietly reshaped by Disney's Fungineers, and the only big bit of news for this breakdown in the age of superheroes is the Snyder Cut finally getting a chance to be put together.
So tonight, we here at School of Movies remember the other guys (not the movie with Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell) the losers (not the movie with Zoe Saldana and Chris Evans) the outsiders (not the movie with Matt Dillon and the Karate Kid), the wannabe vigilantes who just end up making things worse (not Watchmen).
Adapted from the Flaming Carrot comics, but not actually featuring the Flaming Carrot, this movie is almost entirely inept, shambolic, misjudged and ridiculous. Wholly appropriate, considering who it's about; a cadre of buffoons who want to help people in a city of the delusional, where the appointed good guys are actually kind of self-aggrandizing idiots too. Mystery Men has all the makings of a cult favourite, beloved by its fans (including us), and here you'll find out why.
This episode was commissioned by Jamas Enright.
Em from Verbal Diorama @VerbalDiorama
Victoria Grieve @VixenVVitch
Friday May 29, 2020
The Princess Bride
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
It is inconceivable that we've not covered this movie yet, but there is a shortage of perfect movies, and it would be a shame to waste one. We've danced around doing this abbreviated adaptation of a kissing book for years, and eventually a commission gave us no further excuses, we had to say 'as you wish'.
Both well-known and beloved with the fervour afforded cult classics, this clever spin on fairy tales leaves most of the other attempts in the dust, through a combination of an amazing cast, a razor-sharp script delivered with impeccable, deadpan timing, and at the core a big, beating, romantic heart.
This episode was commissioned by Chris Finik.
Victoria Grieve @VixenVVitch
Brenden Agnew of Cinapse @BLCAgnew
Mackenzie Easton @KenziePhoenix of Rainbow Connection @MuppetsPod
Nathan Bertram @bertnerdtram of Video Game: The Movie: The Podcast @VGTMPodcast
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
On the 19th anniversary of the release of this game-changing animated movie, we look back on the alchemy at work which made this such an abiding hit.
Effectively one giant, green middle-finger to Disney, this caper resonated strongly with audiences who wanted to defy that wholesome, controlling and overbearing megacorporation with its twee fairy tales of slender, pretty people with dreams and songs and irritating animal sidekicks. Shrek was more like regular people, selfish, bitter and obnoxious, with irritating animal sidekicks.
As well as the movie, we get to highlight some of the best aspects of the Shrek musical, which in a strange way carries things full-circle. This show was rather special, for reasons you'll find out at the end.
Victoria Luna B. Grieve: @VixenVVitch
Friday May 15, 2020
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
In comparison to the enjoyable, solid-enough campy, juvenile, playful original 1995 movie, THIS is a spectacular departure in the direction of chaotic, nonsense. this is what the Mortal Kombat movie would have been if quality was unimportant to the creators.
It's as dumb and cheesy as a sack of Trump chew-toys, and at the same time weirdly specific and accurate on costume and character appearance. It has almost everyone from the Mortal Kombat 3 game, even going to far as to name-check the few who they couldn't squeeze in. But every single version of everyone is utterly wasted.
But it's still deliriously entertaining, and our show on it is a ton of fun.
Hollywoo Actress Maya Santandrea @Mayasantandrea
Jason "Chewie" Slate @TheManaPool
Friday May 08, 2020
Mortal Kombat
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
Lunatic sorcerer holds a fighting contest to determine whether or not another dimension is allowed to invade ours. They have to win ten in a row. Also there may or may not be fatalities.
This 1995 movie was one of the first video game adaptations for the big screen and somehow manages to remain one of the best. Mainly because it's colossal fun and doesn't seem to be so embarrassed about its subject matter. It doesn't toss out the story and world for something more superficially realistic.
This episode was a ton of fun to record, and frankly that's something most of us need right now. Next week we cover the sequel. And before you start tweeting at me, yes I know Cary Tagawa resumed his beloved role of Shang Tsung in the 11th Video game. of 2019.
Hollywoo Actress Maya Santandrea @Mayasantandrea
Mike Hearn @MikePHearn
Dan Hoeppner @MightyMegatron0
Jason "Chewie" Slate @TheManaPool
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
This Commission was for the 1973 movie, but this allowed us to contrast the events and philosophies of Michael Crichton's seminal techno-thriller with those of the 2016 HBO show. And we take you on a brisk tour through a land that poses more questions than it answers.
It was decided upon that the fortysomething men and women of an alternate 1983 would like nothing better than to visit the wild west, medieval Europe and ancient Rome to fight, kill and shag anyone they so chose. For that they would need to be provided with lifelike robots to defile... So much to unpack here. So much psychoanalysis needed.
In terms of spoilers we examine the whole movie and allude to things that happen during Season 1 of the TV show, but no more than that.
This episode was commissioned by Eric Jones.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Red Dwarf V
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
[School of Everything Else 2020]
The long-running British sci-fi comedy series gets its first podcast with us. We picked the season that's easiest to get into and most immediately funny. If a lot of people like this one and especially if newcomers get into Red Dwarf (currently available on Netflix UK and Britbox) then we will record more shows.
A ragtag crew of losers on their way back to Earth cross paths with all manner of androids, genetic mutants and time travel phenomena. Aboard we have Dave Lister, maybe the last human slob alive, Arnold Rimmer, the holographic projection of his pedantic boss, a fussy mechanoid named Kryten and a preening evolved feline known only as The Cat. They are semi-guided by the super-genius A.I. Holly who may have gone a bit strange over three million years.
It is delightful how this show has held up over the decades, and if you're unfamiliar you're in for a treat.
Hollywoo Actress Maya Santandrea @Mayasantandrea
Derrick Ritchie @thenewdelboy
Kat Essman @Kat325
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
The same year that Steven Spielberg was directing E.T. fifty miles down the road he was also producing this magnificent Californian domestic ghost story. Tobe Hooper, director of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Lifeforce here helmed what ended up as by far my favourite of his films.
And there's many reasons why this one was so effective in 1982 and remains so today. Set aside the ghoulish fixation on whether or not this was a cursed set and journey with us into the intoxicating, otherworldly family drama that is Poltergeist, accompanied by the spine-tingling music of Jerry Goldsmith.
Chris Chipman of The Chipman Bros Tangent @The Chippa
Friday Apr 10, 2020
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
The Spielberg Season continues with this seminal classic about a gardener, abandoned and far from home, forced to throw his lot in with a group of strange aliens.
This is a means of Steve re-exploring the broken family of Close Encounters with a softer, child's perspective. And It's an intimate, playful, heart-aching tale that still absolutely stands up today.
It is absolutely worthy of a re-watch, especially now, when families are both locked in together and also separated and broken.
Chris Chipman of The Chipman Bros Tangent @The Chippa
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Terminator: Dark Fate
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
[School of Movies 2020]
After 28 years of waiting and bad Terminator films they finally, FINALLY made a really good one... and nobody turned up. Unfortunately, if you comb YouTube the algorithm that prizes outrage over joy shunts to the top all of the angry boys who hated this box office failure.
But right here you will find a deep dive into why this is a brilliant legacy sequel to the first two. We will of course see more Terminator media again, most likely with yet another reboot, but for us and several of our guests, this is the conclusion to a Trilogy.
You don't have to see the film first, before listening. Far from spoiling it by talking about what happens I believe if we've done our jobs right we will actively enhance your viewing. This is a heavy episode, but there are heavy things going on in the world right now, and although we will be comforting you next week with the sweetness of E.T. we wanted to deliver a show that would tackle the storm.
Brenden Agnew of Cinapse @BLCAgnew
Jesse Ferguson of Recorded Tomorrow @TheDapperDM
From Sequentially Yours Kaoru Negisa @Moonpanther22
and Debbie Morse @bastet8300